What do I get?
Prices from
just £35
per month
- Book keeping (if applicable) – monthly or quarterly, you decide.
- Management reports – monthly or quarterly, you decide.
- Completion of annual accounts.
- Completion and submission of two annual income tax returns.
- We deal with HMRC on your behalf.
- Ongoing ad-hoc advice.
- Completion and submission of VAT returns, if applicable.
It’s simple…
Before you sign up:
- Once you have received your quote we have an informal email/telephone conversation to discuss and confirm your requirements.
Once you have signed up:
- You send us your records either by post, email or via the relevant accounts software.
- We process your records and provide you with management accounting reports so you can see in black and white if you are making a profit and where you are spending your money.
- We process your VAT (if applicable) and make the relevant submissions.
- At the end of the year we will finalise your year end, provide you with a full set of accounts and submit your income tax return upon your approval.
- We will then send you a summary by email explaining your financial statements and with advice specific to your business.
What’s next?
We believe in being up front with our pricing so please note there will be a £30 joining fee to cover administration charges and agent authorisation.
Or contact us for an informal chat